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Roby Wellness

Roby Wellness


health and wellnessfitness

About Us

At Roby Wellness we are all about educating and sharing helpful tips on how to live healthier and wealthier lives. We have always been physically active and taken supplements but we didn’t know that there was a Difference! We were that couple that suffered from being physically and mentally exhausted and running to Dr.'s on a regular basis. That doesn't happen anymore.

I was introduced to our Passion 16 years ago and didn’t know it. I was a personal trainer, breast cancer survivor and doing what I thought I was supposed to be doing. Smile and work...right?? Confession: I was just tired of being tired and ? I wanted to feel better.

Then a friend introduced me to Shaklee nutrition, Vitalizer to be exact, and I was open to hear her out.

I gave myself 30 days and at about day 10 I was curious because I did feel better...I was getting myself back after several years of issues. I had to share with Dave and he felt the Difference too!

We are now able to “show up” as our best selves and we’re very passionate about sharing what we’ve learned. Now we help others and it’s so fulfilling.

We would love to help you feel better too! Contact us directly or take our free Meology Assessment on our website to see what products might be recommended for your specific needs.

Be Happy & Healthy and remember, health starts with you!

Rep/Contact Info

Dave Roby
  • Phone: (727) 772-9733
  • Cell Phone: (314) 277-2501
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Dorothy Roby
Health & Wellness Coach